Holographic Energy Healing | Distance Energy Healing

Energy work can help to lift out the root cause of life challenges, where this has been difficult to achieve with talking therapy alone.

What You can Expect from an Holographic Energy Healing Session with Rachel

The healing session may include the following treatments:

  • Repair and restoration of the energy pattern of your energy system
  • Clear a negative emotional, mental, and spiritual block
  • Transform a negative life or family pattern into a positive one
  • Improve your mood
  • Clearing, neutralising, and transmutation of negative energies and imprints across all dimensions of your individuated consciousness stream
  • Heal & Balance Energy Centres (Chakras)
  • Heal and Balance Subtle Bodies
  • Clear Psychic Attack, entities, dark interference, old contracts
  • Discharge stress, traumatic stress, clear interference patterns
  • Healing the biohologram of your organs, organ systems, glands (including pineal, pituitary, pineal, and thymus/chakra/energy centres)
  • Support emotional stability and positivity, clear wave patterns and root causes of subjective and objective negative ideas, thoughts, memories
  • Learn Energy Self-Healing Techniques

“Rachel is a highly skilled and deeply compassionate energy healer who takes her clients’ health and wellbeing to heart. After several years of seeing her, I have found all of her energy work to be effective in clearing blockages, working through past trauma, and restoring overall health. I have had many types of sessions with her and have found them all to be helpful, whether they were face-to-face in person, online via Skype, or work she has completed remotely based on my descriptions of issues I’ve been experiencing. Rachel has a way of addressing and explaining complex issues that has provided me with many practical applications in my life, especially the ability to gain a deeper understanding of how I relate to the energetic world. I am deeply appreciative of the positive effects this work has had in my life and would strongly recommend her to anyone seeking a life coach, spiritual advisor, or energy worker.”  – Peter D.

How Holographic Energy Healing Works with Psychotherapy

  • Negative emotions can pollute your energy field and continue to affect you, amplifying the negative emotional experience
  • Memories are stored within the energy field as energy patterns and unless they are cleared will continue to be active
  • Negative cliches with the surrounding environment can cause you to become caught up and attached to negative patterns of interacting with people in your surroundings
  • Memories can be stored as systems and create negative blocks in the mental, astral, or other fields of your energy system
  • Clearing entities and other foreign energetic attachments and structures

Does Distance Energy Healing Work?

During the session, I explain what I am doing and also give instructions for how you can do the work on yourself. This way you will be more active in the healing process, and will learn energy healing techniques for independent healing inner work.

Although separation and physical boundaries and distance between objects are obvious in the material world, it’s not so in the subtle planes. Everything exists as one continuous interconnected field and can be accessed non-locally (with permission), and because of that I am able to work with the emotional body/field/aura of another person for example from Alaska. 

Discover how energy healing can help you to release negative blocks, clear negative energy, and heal from anxiety, depression, and trauma/cptsd

energy healing psychotherapy sydney

The Benefits of Energy Healing

Our own negative thoughts and emotions are scalar waves thatch be toxic or pathogenic. These are negative interference patterns, that make it more difficult to experience joy, gratitude, and inner balance.

Emotional blocks and mental blocks can develop through negative life experiences, and these blocks correspond to energetic blocks in the subtle bodies and energy currents of the subtle bodies.

Energy work can clear the unwanted external signals (eg: negative thought and emotions of other people, birth curses, geopathic stress) in order to stop the negative impact these pathological frequencies can have on emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical wellness.

Energy therapy is beautiful as a stand-alone service for achieving rejuvenation, emotional balance, personal development, and spiritual growth. A helpful addition to psychotherapeutic work.


The physical body (and all physical matter) represents only 7% of existence. This is because 93 % of the universe is made of energy, and only 7% of the universe is made of particles.

Psychological, Physical, and Spiritual disease therefore occur and are stored primarily within the 93% range of energy fields/frequencies/vibrations of the hologram.

energy healing sydney distance energy healing

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore every moment in time (which is like an energetic ‘photograph’) continues to exist within non-local fields of information.

Unhealed energetic memory will maintain its structure unless it is consciously transformed.

Holographic Healing means to restructure the pathogenic holographic structures that are encoded into your soul throughout your present, past, and multi-dimensional life.

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